Saturday, January 5, 2013

FREE & EASY WAY for Grrreat STRESS Relief!

Everyone of us have our personal tried & true methods for gearing down, de-stressing or improving our moods.

Without a doubt, my number one method for cheering myself up is ANIMAL videos, pictures and such!

Kittens, puppies, lambs, sloths....such cutie-pies never fail to turn cranky Nicolle into happy, perky Nicolle....and as we are all faced with the daunting task of embracing a new year and with it the requisite expectation of a life-changing one, ANY kind of fun and light-heartedness is definitely needed.

To that end: a slew of animal cutie-pies to sweeten your day!

HERE for's TOP TEN Animal Videos for 2012 (below is #8)

HERE for's TOP TEN Animal Photos favorite is #6 

featuring Misao with her cat Fukumuru. Their 13 year relationship chronicled by Misao's granddaughter is adorable and very heartwarming. COMPANION ANIMALS ROCK!

Posted  THIS several months back, but it totally deserves to be linked to again...Animal PHOTOBOMBS also rock!!!

I know a slew of people on Dogbook. Feline-furnatics can now turn to an entire social media network dedicated to CATS...called Catmoji....meow!

Finally, if you are looking for a decadent vacation in 2013 where you can invite the tallest mammal to dinner then THIS resort is for you!

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